Is it just me? Or is a once strong and proud America becoming as the last days of the Roman or the Babylonian Empires? Historians tell us that their fall came from within. Corruption, sexual immorality, greed, lack of government and personal discipline brought both great civilizations to their knees.
Over the past few years American leaders have become more dysfunctional. The American Congress, big business, sports, schools, you name it. We are becoming a leaderless, corrupt, vile, immoral nation. A nation that once looked to its God for leadership, guidance and approval. God was happy and He blessed this country. We once prayed at home, in school, and at public events for His guidance. Now such prayer is forbidden in public places because a few very sick individuals were offended and we have allowed them to blackmail a whole nation.
Oh my, please don't offend anyone. God will just have to understand that we don't need Him anymore since we have become an all-knowing people. We have eaten the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and now we don't need a God.
Now we are eating one another, especially our defenseless children. We have become so perverted that nothing is sacred. The angels of Satan are just about in control. Yes there is a Satan. Jerry Sanduskys and all like him are Satan's angels.
Our children are a gift from God no matter what the liberal sickos will say. We are to love them, nurture them, teach them, protect them, and pray for them. But what do we do? We expose them to all manner of filth. We use them for our own pleasure and profit. We kill them. They are our future as a nation. Will they continue to advance our downfall? Yes they will because they will know no better.
I once had an elderly friend who matter-of-factly said to me that public hangings once did a lot to deter crime. For a child molester or a wife beater, bring it on! Hang the som bitches and show it on national television. The angels of Satan are winning - because they have so much help in America.