Thursday, December 27, 2018

Youth football participation declines

According to ESPN's "Outside the Lines," Pop Warner, the nation's largest youth football program saw participation drop by 9.5 percent between 2010-12. From ESPN:

Pop Warner lost 23,612 players, thought to be the largest two-year decline since the organization began keeping statistics decades ago. Consistent annual growth led to a record 248,899 players participating in Pop Warner in 2010; that figure fell to 225,287 by the 2012 season.

Pop Warner officials said they believe several factors played a role in the decline, including the trend of youngsters focusing on one sport. But the organization's chief medical officer, Dr. Julian Bailes, cited concerns about head injuries as "the No. 1 cause."

These kids are too young to be playing tackle football anyway.  As a former high school coach and athletic administrator,  this whole youth football thing is totally parent-driven and crazy.  Any pediatric medical professional will tell you the same thing.  It's all about parental ego. 

 Flag football before 7th grade is fine.  They can still learn fundamentals and how to participate in a team culture, without endangering the child's brain, growth plates and in many cases their self esteem.  Parents need to back off and let kids be kids. Tackle football before the seventh grade is akin to child abuse.